On the evening of May 13th, we bid a fond and final farewell to
Beechtrees’ Pinkerton as we laid him to rest overlooking a pasture full of his progeny, grand-progeny and great-grand progeny. He
is and was our foundation ram as we built the Beechtree Bluefaced Leicester flock. He has also started and positively influenced many
other pedigreed flocks across the country as well.
At the ripe old age of 8 years and 2 months, he was still sound in mind,
mouth and legs. Our most likely explanation for his passing would be cancer, but at his age we were not going to subject
him to an extensive set of tests and procedures. So we mark his quite passing while napping in his shed with
four of his great-grand daughters to keep him company.
Thank you! Pinkerton.
Your outstanding contribution and qualities to the
USA Bluefaced Leicester flock will live on for many generations to come.